
The Faculty of Exact Sciences, one of the nine faculties of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, was set up starting from the existence of a body of specialised academic staff organised within the framework of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department.

This department was meant to provide expertise to all the university faculties, covering all the Mathematics and Computer Science courses in the curriculum.

The College of Information Tehnology was founded in 2001. After having counted four generations of graduates, the faculty had to reconsider its programmes as the short-term higher education was ceased. The long-term higher education providing four years of Computer Science study was introduced for the university year 2002-2003.

In 2003, the Faculty of Exact Sciences was set up, according to a Government Decision HG 693/2003. At the beginning of the university year 2006-2007, the Faculty of Exact Sciences provided a new study programme: Mathematics –Computer Science.

In 2009, The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) accredited the study programme( Level 1) Computer Science at the Faculty of Exact Sciences.. In the same year, the Faculty of Exact Science offered a Level 2 study programme, Master in Computer Science, following the Decision of Aurel Vlaicu University Senate. In February 2011 this programme titled Applied Informatics in Science, Technology and Economy was accredited by ARACIS Council. In 2011, the study programme Bachelor Degree in Computer Science -Distance Learning was accredited by ARACIS. In 2012, the study programme Bachelor Degree in Mathematics – Computer Science was accredited by ARACIS. In 2013, the study programme Bachelor Degree in Applied Computer Science ( whose language of study is English) was authorised by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). In 2014, the study programme Master in Mathematical modeling in research and didactics (MMCD), an international programme (whose language of study is English), was accredited by the same ARACIS.

The Faculty of Exact Sciences has a a four-year Research Strategy Plan acording to the Research Strategy Plan of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad. Moreover, the Faculty of Exact Sciences has an annual plan for research and development including research themes for both academic staff and students. In addition to this, the Faculty of Exact Sciences benefits from a research center on Mathematical Models and IT Systems.

The academic staff and the research staff are engaged in research activities whose results are published in specialised journals abroad or in Romania, presented during national or international conferences and symposiums. As of 2006, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad organizes every two years an international conference titled „International Symposium - Research and Education in Innovation Era”. The academic staff at the Faculty of Exact Sciences has brought a substantial contribution to this conference by getting involved in the organization of the activities in „Mathematics and Computer Science” section. The papers presented have been published in the volumes of „Proceedings of the International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era”. (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012).

The Annals of Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, the Mathematics-Computer Science Series have been reorganised so as to make it possible for the Faculty of Exact Sciences to publish the journal “Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science”, ISSN 2067-2764, indexed in the international data basis.


Study programms/last accreditation



Max. no


Mathematics and Computer Science

(ARACIS accreditation 2019)





(ARACIS accreditation 2020)



Informatics (english)

(ARACIS accreditation 2019)




      Study programms/last accreditation



      Max. no


      Advanced Studies in Applied Computer Science (English)

      (ARACIS accreditation 2019)



      Informatică aplicată în ştiinţe, tehnologie şi economie (ARACIS accreditation 2019)



      Mathematical Models in Didactics and Research (ARACIS accreditation 2014)

